What should I do if a material I need runs out? Or the lab needs a new tool (files, USBs, cables etc)?
The best way is to email prototype@kth.se about what you need, who/where it is for, and what it is for.
What materials are NOT provided by the labs?
Spray paint, glue, sand paper, and other common expendable products.
What should I do if the material is stuck in the nozzle?
Send an email reporting which machine needs maintenence, and an assistant will look at it ASAP.T
he assistants are unfortunately not always available to help! We encourage the students to solve the problems themselves. A good place to start is here. In the Manually extruding material section. You are not the first student to come across a jammed nozzle - ask around!
Changing Filament here Common material settings here
How many time slots (each one hour) can I book for the machines using My Court??
3D-printers: 4
lasers: 2
small mill: 4
big mill: 4
Can I change the material myself in the Ultimakers?
Absolutely. Search for tutorials on YouTube or scan the QR-codes above to learn how.
Can I change the nozzles myself in the Ultimakers?
Unfortunately, no - the Ultimaker 2s should have 0.8 mm nozzles, and the Ultimaker 3s should have 0.4 mm nozzles. Contact us for special requests.
What should I do if I need to do a large print that takes over my allotted time?
Consider the following options:
If possible, use any of the Ultimaker 2’s as they have larger nozzle diameter(0.8mm) and will consequently yield shorter printing times than the Ultimaker 3’s (0.4mm nozzle)
Try reducing the print time (visible in Cura) by reducing the infill and/or increasing the layer height. Keep in mind that increasing the layer height will decrease the print resolution
If your part uses a lot of support material, consider rotating the part in Cura so that it will need less support. If this doesn’t help, you could also consider redesigning your part or divide it into smaller components that are more easily printed without support
Another option is to manually increase the printing speed on the machine. While the file is being printed, go to Tune -> Speed and rotate the button to increase the printing speed. Be aware that setting the printing speed to high may lower the print quality. 150% print speed usually works fine, but this depends on the part’s geometry
If it’s an essential and large part, printing overnight is recommended
Set up a time with an assistant for special requests. Our email is listed at the end of the document
How do I get access to rooms or specific tools?
For room access talk to your course coordinator. For specific tools email prototype@kth.se
How do I get something cut on the water jet?
Review the waterjet tutorial in the equipment page on KTH Prototype Center’s website - you will need to work with an assistant for this.
What material is available to use?
If the project is course-related, the material 'out' in the labs are available for use. If you have a personal project or an abnormally large job to do, you should provide your own material. Contact prototype@kth.se if you have any doubts.
What should I do if a machine is malfunctioning?
The sooner prototypassar@md.kth.se is notified, the sooner the machine will be fixed.
What should I do if I don't know how to use a machine but I would like to learn?
You have to take a course. There are courses a few times a year. Talk to your course coordinator.
Who should I email about mycourt issues?
Please email prototypassar@md.kth.se if you have notified your course responsible and they have confirmed your request.
What should I do if someone is using the machine I booked?
Technically, if you have booked the machine it is yours and you can cancel any intruding print. However, if you are not present after 15 minutes after your start time, we usually claim that it’s free. Common decency applies.
Who is responsible for cleaning the lab spaces?
You are! Make sure the machines and work areas looks tidy after you’re done with them.The lab spaces are kept orderly by the course participants that use them, and there is no scheduled cleaning of the spaces. If there is a minor issue, we suggest fixing it yourself. If there is a major issue, please contact us via our email.
Who works at the KTH Prototype Center?
The lab is run by two KTH staff and the rest are students! Most support is handled by only students (mostly mechatronics, design and production). These assistants keep the machines running smoothly (or at least we try) and can provide support with your prototyping needs. If you are interested in becoming involved, email prototype@kth.se.
Email: prototypassar@md.kth.se